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ONLINE: Path of Women Leadershiptraining & Sharing Circle

1. Januar 20231. Januar 2025

Women Only.

Every week we meet online and learn to share with each other what’s on our heart and mind.

We listen to each other, give feedback, and grow through all times of joy or insecurities in our lives.

WE — that is a bunch of wonderful open-minded women, currently from Germany, Holland, England, Sweden, we all got different backgrounds, age, spiritual work, and we are all in to meet. We are open to meet other women or whoever defines itself as a woman and who can commit to weekly meeting online.

Everyone us is holding this Circle each month, where we give a topic which we explore in depth. We learn to lead, to communicate, to open up, and it’s a pure joy to feel this commitment to meet each other. There is no end of time scheduled, except women feel they wanna leave the “workshop”. Otherwise, we go & go and from being a guest, entering circle women will also at some point become Mentor to really hold the whole meeting.

Sharing and more!

It’s more than a sharing circle. We learn the feminine way to lead. That is not goal oriented but open, vulnerable, sensitive & in the moment. Every Woman gives a financial contribution of 1750 Euro to the Mentor and at some point she also will also be the Mentor, means — she receives the contribution from women who come in, back. In the work to expand our hearts, we allow money as a principle of energy that comes to us.

We meet on Zoom. Right now the best time for all of us is Thursday 7.30 -8.30 am. This can change if needed. Please check in with for further information and if you want to be our guest and join the circle.

Our main principles:


We commit to hold confidentiality at all times. Nothing of what is said goes outside our workshop, nor do we talk about each other, without the other present.


We commit to give and receive each other’s presence and to practice active, open and compassionate listening.


We commit to look at our triggers and issues and take full ownership for them. We feel responsible for the depth, quality, flow, nourishment, joy, and inspiration of our journey.


We commit to actively contribute to move our workshop forward and to maintain a healthy ecosystem nourishing the consciousness focused bigger field of womanhood.


We commit to (financial) abundance, expansion of consciousness, a deeper sense of self-awareness and to become an inclusive leader.


1. Januar 2023
1. Januar